Friday, August 21, 2009

The Great Juicing Experiment

This year's harvest includes an overabundance of tomatoes. The wrong kinds for making sauce, salsa or anything useful like ketchup.

I am eating any number of lovely salads with them but they are coming at an alarming rate now. What to do? My fellow blogger told me to juice them.

Today is the day. I own a juicer but must admit that I have never taken it out of the box.

So first and foremost, I took it out of the box. I washed in soapy water and rinsed. I rinsed the tomatoes.

I read the instructions. Which of course told me to wash first in warm soapy water. Such marvelous common sense, don't you think?

Then I put the tomatoes in five at a time and utilized the food pusher to deliver them to the juicing area. It was fun at first but got tedious as the container now seemed to hold a lot of groups of five.

Success! I then got to take the entire unit apart again and wash again in warm, soapy water. It felt good to finally try it out though.

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm Too Sexy For Your Garden

My friend and I tend to have conversations composed entirely of lyrics to songs we know. Even when she and I are not in the middle of a conversation it is easy to slip into this mode of thinking. I was serving lunch to an old friend last week and couldn't help but sing Right Said Fred's iconic verses in my head.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Watch Out Cheese Makers, Let's Hear It For The Wisconsin Pickle

Fabulous surplus in a jar. Pickles are an easy food to hone your old-fashioned canning skills on. I love the feeling of making all of those jars full.

Somehow it is very fulfilling and peaceful. I had a great time this year with a bumper crop of a variety called "Wisconsin Pickle." With how impressive these cukes

are it is lucky for those cheese folks that they got their ads in early. This is one spectacular pickling cucumber. A must grow for next year.

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, August 3, 2009

True Love and Homegrown Tomatoes

Boy they are better than candy. Homegrown tomatoes have to be one of the most inexpensive pleasures on the earth. I grew three varieties this year. Early Girl, which has not turned red and is now two weeks past the harvest date. Sweet Zillion, a cherry tomato, that was an experiment this year and brand new to me but will be number one on my list next year. And ?, a grape tomato that I failed to write down the name of when I planted them. Please feel free to chime in if you can name it from the picture. Happy Summer!

-- Post From My iPhone